Showing: 7 RESULTS
Studio Blog

Choosing What Is Right For You Should Not Be An Inconvenience

Group of femme presenting individuals are sitting in a row of chairs and are flipping their hair up in a wave motion

A topic I have been marinating on for at least a few years now, the cultural ideation that we put the comfort and needs of others ahead of our own. From managing households to excelling in careers, and nurturing relationships, self-sacrifice has become an expectation. While I naturally gravitate to the role of care giver and find significant joy in caring and showing love to my family, friends, and community, …

Studio Blog

The Power of the Pause: Why No Progress in Your Pole or Aerial Journey Can Still Mean Success

In a world that constantly shouts “more, faster, better!” it’s easy to get caught in the relentless cycle of chasing progress. For many of us, this endless race spills over into every sphere, including our beloved aerial journey. Success is too often defined in our heads as that gravity defying lift or insanely flexible splitty move. But what if we redefined what success looks like? What if standing still could …

Studio Blog

The Art of Making Time for Yourself: The Empowering Act of Finding Your Sanctuary

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not uncommon to meet people who wear many hats—parent, partner, employee, caregiver, and more. Amidst the whirlwind of responsibilities, the concept of me-time often gets pushed to the back burner. However, prioritizing oneself is a revitalizing and empowering practice every person deserves. Let’s delve into the essence of personal time and its profound benefits. **Why is making time for yourself important?** Juggling various roles, so …

Sessions Studio Blog

What’s a Pole Class Really Like? Part 2 – Preparing for Class

And just like that, you have signed up for your first pole class. Oh the anticipation! Oh the fear! Will I be able to do anything?  Will I feel out of place? What if someone finds out I’m taking pole classes???? Yes, these are all very common thoughts that go through our head before we get to our first class.  Pole Newbie Fear is real and can get in the …